Calculate your Body Mass Index – BMI

ServiDigest helps you calculate your BMI.

Calculating the body mass index (BMI), or Quetelet index, is the most widely used method to assess whether an adult is overweight or obese. The index is calculated with only 2 parameters; weight and height. It is, therefore, an easy-to-use method, but has a margin of error, especially when calculating the weight in people who practise sport regularly or intensively, because the calculations are based on total weight, without differentiating whether the total includes more muscle or fat. Despite this, it is a useful tool in conjunction with other data to guide treatment for being overweight or obesity.

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Classification according to the calculated BMI

BMI < 18,5 – Underweight
A BMI lower than 18.5 indicates that you are underweight. It would be advisable to consult a specialist to assess whether you need to increase your weight or study the reason for being underweight. Your eating habits, and whether they are providing sufficient nutrients, should also be studied. We recommend that you consult our Endocrinology, Nutrition and Dietetics Services.

BMI 18,5 – 25 Normal

You are the correct weight for your height. If you are happy with your weight and healthy, it is recommended that you maintain this weight. We recommend that you continue to eat healthily and do regular exercise. If you would like more information on your physical health, we have the latest technology to study your metabolism, and the percentage of muscle mass, fat and bone, in order to help you maintain your ideal weight.

BMI 25-26,9 – Overweight grade I

Your weight is slightly above the recommended BMI. Improve your diet and increase your physical exercise in order to lose sufficient weight so that your BMI is below 25. Consult a specialist to advise you on these changes. We recommend that you consult our Endocrinology, Nutrition and Dietetics Services.

BMI 27-29,9 – Overweight grade II

Overweight grade II Your weight is above the recommended weight. You need to verify your diet and increase the exercise you are taking in order to lose weight. Consult a specialist to study the cause of the excess weight and begin the appropriate treatment. We recommend that you consult our Endocrinology, Nutrition and Dietetics Services.

Moderate Obesity

Your weight is over that recommended, and is classified Obesity grade 1. Consult a specialist, multidisciplinary team who will be able to examine your obesity, rule out any conditions that could be related to the excess weight and define the treatment to follow. Changing your eating habits and increasing physical activity are recommended, as well as assessing whether the placement of an Intragastric Balloon by endoscopy would help you lose weight and change your eating habits. We recommend that you make an initial appointment with our Endocrinology, Nutrition and Dietetics Services for this examination.

Severe Obesity

Your weight is over that recommended, and is classified Obesity grade 2. Excess weight can make you prone to developing serious metabolic illnesses that should be studied and treated. Consult a specialist, multidisciplinary team who will be able to examine your obesity, and help you begin treatment including changing your eating habits and level of physical activity. They will also assess options such as placing an Intragastric Balloon by endoscopy or performing endoscopic surgery for obesity. We recommend that you make an initial appointment with our Endocrinology, Nutrition and Dietetics Services for this examination.

Morbid Obesity

Your weight is over that recommended, and is classified Morbid Obesity. Excess weight can make you prone to developing serious metabolic illnesses that should be studied and treated. Consult a specialist, multidisciplinary team who will be able to examine your obesity, and help you begin treatment, including changing your eating habits and level of physical activity. They will also assess performing surgery for obesity. We recommend that you make an initial appointment with our Endocrinology, Nutrition and Dietetics Services for this examination.


Your weight is over that recommended, and is classified Morbid Obesity. Excess weight can make you prone to developing serious metabolic illnesses that should be studied and treated. Consult a specialist, multidisciplinary team who will be able to examine your obesity, and help you begin treatment, including changing your eating habits and level of physical activity. They will also assess whether it is necessary to perform surgery for obesity. We recommend that you make an initial appointment with our Endocrinology, Nutrition and Dietetics Services for this examination.


Your weight is over that recommended, and is classified Morbid Obesity. Excess weight can make you prone to developing serious metabolic illnesses that should be studied and treated. Consult a specialist, multidisciplinary team who will be able to examine your obesity, and help you begin treatment, including changing your eating habits and level of physical activity. They will also assess whether it is necessary to perform surgery for obesity. We recommend that you make an initial appointment with our Endocrinology, Nutrition and Dietetics Services for this examination.